How to Disable or Uninstall Youtube in Android?

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Looking to Get Rid and Uninstall YouTube App on Android. Here is the Simple Guide to Disable YouTube in Android Mobile.

YouTube is a video-sharing and streaming platform. Every minute, thousands of videos are uploaded because it is the most effective way to communicate with a broader audience. Every Android device comes pre-installed with the YouTube app. However, there are times when you may want to uninstall YouTube from your Android device.
How to Disable or Uninstall Youtube in Android?
As YouTube is a pre-installed app from your device’s manufacturer, it can’t be uninstalled. Instead, Android allows you to disable YouTube on your device. Disabling any pre-installed app on your device will remove it from the App list but not from the internal memory of your device. So let’s get started with our guide on how to uninstall YouTube on Android.

How to Disable YouTube in Android App?

Disabling a pre-installed app on an Android device will also remove its updates. In addition, the disabled application does not display any annoying notifications. Here's how to uninstall YouTube on Android:

  1. First of all Long press the YouTube icon until the context menu appears.
  2. Click on the Info icon at the top right corner of the context menu.
  3. Now click on Disable in the Info page.

That's it; you've successfully disabled YouTube in Android. Please let us know if you run into any problems in the comments section.

If you've any thoughts on How to Disable or Uninstall Youtube in Android?, then feel free to drop in below comment box. Also, please subscribe to our . Also, please subscribe to our Right Share YouTube channel for videos tutorials. Cheers!

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Ordinary People

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