Install the Best AdSense Click Anti Bomb Script on Blogger

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Looking for the powerful Invalid Click Protector script that will block all invaild click in the blogger site, Here is the Best AdSense Click Anti Bomb Script on Blogger.

Install the Best AdSense Click Anti Bomb Script on Blogger  | Invalid Click Protector for Adsense
Google AdSense publishers may be familiar with the term bomb click, invalid click or invalid click. Bomb click AdSense ads is an act of improper and very disadvantageous AdSense publisher. Bomb click AdSense ads have an impact and become the concern of the publisher about the security of Google Adsense account.

Installing an anti-bomb script click AdSense ads on the blogspot platform blog is recommended for blogs that have monetized AdSense. This AdSense anti-boom click script is effective for dealing with click bombs that are intentional or unintentional.

What is Ad Click Bomb?

Activities and actions to bomb click AdSense ads deliberately is a bad action that can harm the publisher (blog owner), the purpose of the bomb click generally to destroy and eliminate AdSense ads on the blog. Click bombs are done by clicking on ads on blogs repeatedly on a computer that has one IP address.

The act of clicking ads repeatedly with the same IP address is an activity that is prohibited by AdSense. Click on ads that have been set according to AdSense policies that are guidelines and to be obeyed by all publishers. As a result of violations of these policies, publishers can be subject to minor sanctions to the heaviest deactivation of AdSense accounts.

Before we start let's take a look at its Demo.

Click Bomb Occurs

Clicking ads is often an indicator of revenue from AdSense, but clicking manual ads or click bombs is not the right thing to do. Many things are factors that cause click bombs and invalid click on AdSense ads, 3 (three) of the following are factors that often cause bombing actions to click on AdSense ads.

Annoyed by ads

Excessive advertising to floating ads that cover content (articles) is a factor that often causes ad click bombs. This click bomb (click fraud) can be intentional or unintentional (fad).

Don't know which ads are content

The second is because blog visitors don't know about AdSense ads, this is worsened by blogs that have very many ads. Visitors like this will find it difficult to distinguish which content and adverts are so they just click and become bombs click, invalid click, or click invalid ads. Usually a bomb click (click fraud) occurs because of accident / misunderstanding / ignorance.

Don't like his blog (understand AdSense)

Finally, click bombs because those who don't like your blog. The reasons can be many, including:
  • Visitors don't find the solution they are looking for
  • Someone who doesn't like blogs (personal)
  • Envy (probably)

At this point, click bombs (click fraud) usually occur because of an intentional element and with a specific purpose.

3 causes of click bombs AdSense ads above need to be anticipated, create a blog that is comfortable and friendly for readers and visitors. Even so, there are many other reasons behind the bomb click ad.

Prevent Ad Click Bombs

There are a number of things and tips that can be done to counteract and overcome bomb click AdSense ads on the blog. The following 3 tips can be a reference to avoid bomb click AdSense ads on the blog.

Don't share blog url in group

Very important, avoid sharing blog links in blog groups, bloggers, or AdSense groups. In these groups usually people who are joined already know about the world of blogs and AdSense, and of course they already have a blog. Usually, blog addresses that are known to group members will be a reference, example, or can be a rival (because the topic of the blog is the same).

Create quality blog content

Make more quality content to fill your blog, let visitors find your blog through a search engine. Organic visitors will appreciate the content of your blog more without doing bombing, click on ads, it will be different if you share it on social media or in groups.

Uninstall Adsense ad units

If you find a click on an invalid ad on the AdSense report page, immediately uninstall the AdSense ad unit installed on the blog. you can see a full report about invalid click and others on the AdSense dashboard. Installing the AdSense Click Anti Bomb Script on Blogger

How to Install the AdSense Click Bomb Script on Blogger

To install the anti anti-click bomb script in Blogger, follow the below steps.

Important! Before we begin adding XML codes, I strongly advise you to make a backup of your current theme. If an issue arises, you can always restore it later.

Step 1: First of all Login to your Blogger Dashboard.

Step 2: On Blogger Dashboard, click Theme.

Step 3: Click the arrow down icon next to the 'Customize' button.

Step 4: Choose Edit HTML, you will be redirected to the editing page.

Step 5: Next search the ]]></b:skin> or </style> code and paste the CSS code just above the ]]></b:skin> or </style> code.


Step 6: Now add the following JavaScript Code just above to </body> tag. If you don't find it, it is probably already parsed which is <!--</body>--></body> tag.

/* jquery is required */
var aksiAds = "disabled"; // disabled ads still appear but can't be clicked, change it to (hidden) if you want ads to be hidden
var maxClick = 3; // maximum click
function ASSetCookie(a,b,c){var d=new Date;d.setDate(d.getDate()+c);var e=escape(b)+(0==c?";path=/":"; expires="+d.toUTCString())+";path=/";document.cookie=a+"="+e}function ASGetCookie(a){var b,c,d,e=document.cookie.split(";");for(b=0;b<e.length;b++)if(c=e[b].substr(0,e[b].indexOf("=")),d=e[b].substr(e[b].indexOf("=")+1),c=c.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""),c==a)return unescape(d)}function ASSetCookieAds(a,b){var c=ASGetCookie(a);void 0!=c&&""!=c?(ASTheCookieInt=parseInt(c)+1,ASSetCookie(a,ASTheCookieInt.toString(),0)):ASSetCookie(a,"1",b)}function ASMaxClick(a,b){var c=ASGetCookie(a);return void 0!=c&&parseInt(c)>=b?!0:!1}jQuery(document).ready(function(a){var b="adsbygoogle",c=7,d=maxClick,e=".adsbygoogle",f=!1;ASMaxClick(b,d)&&a(e).addClass(aksiAds).click(false),a(e).bind("mouseover",function(){f=!0}).bind("mouseout",function(){f=!1}),a(window).on("beforeunload",function(){f&&(ASMaxClick(b,d)?a(e).addClass(aksiAds).click(false):ASSetCookieAds(b,c))})});

Step 7: Also make sure your template has jQuery installed. If you don't already have one, you can copy the code below and place it above the code </head> or <!--</head>--></head>.

<script src=''/>

Step 8: Finally, click this icon to save your changes and Anti click bombing script will be added to your Blogger theme.

click:3 - Maximum number of clicks, and will reload after interval
interval:23000 - Reload time in milliseconds

How to Safely Check Trial Script

I know for sure that you are not sure if this script works or not. If you want to test it, I will give you a safe way for you to try.

First create a new page then copy the html image below and click save, open the page click the image until it can't be clicked, if it's new you try to click on the ads on your blog.
<ins class='adsbygoogle'>
<a href=''>
<img alt='Slider' src=''/>

How the AdSense Click Anti Bomb Script Works on Blogger

The AdSense ad click bomb anti-bomb script on blogs works by avoiding repeated ad clicks by one user with the same IP. Blogs that have an anti-click bomb script installed (click fraud) will automatically hide ads if someone has clicked on the ad 3 times on one IP address.

One thing to know, being an AdSense publisher is not easy. A lot of time and struggle to be accepted as an AdSense publisher, not to mention waiting for a letter that never came.

If you've any thoughts on Install the Best AdSense Click Anti Bomb Script on Blogger , This Invalid Click Protector for Adsense is effective in reducing the number of invalid ad clicks. Then feel free to drop in below comment box. Also, please subscribe to our . Also, please subscribe to our Right Share YouTube channel for videos tutorials. Cheers!

About the Author

Ordinary People

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