10 Google Search Hidden Tricks for Better Search Result

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10 Google Search Hidden Tricks for Better Search Result

These 10 Google Search tricks will help you search smarter and find what you’re looking for more easily and conveniently than ever before. These will increase your productivity when conducting online research, and you will have access to the web's information at your fingertips.

Let's get started

1. Use Search Operators to Make Powerful Queries

When using Google search, you can use various search operators to find specific search results. Among the operators are "OR," "AND," "*," "-," and others. You can find the use case scenarios for these search operators below.

OR is used in search queries to give either-or words. Google records results containing any of those names. For example, the search term "buy cheap Android OR iPhone" condenses the two queries "buy cheap Android OR iPhone" and shown results for both queries.

AND is used to list required words in a search query. Google records results containing all of those words. For example, "rent cheap AND decorated house" will return results that include both the words "cheap" and "decorated."

* (asterisk) indicates a search for unknown words. Google records results that contain any word or group of words that appear in place of an asterisk in the search query. "Winston * Churchill," for example, returns results for Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, a former British Prime Minister.

- (minus) symbol is used to exclude words from the search query. Google records results that do not contain those words. For instance, "buy windows laptop -dell" will return results that do not include 'dell' laptops.

2. Search Within a Specific Website

site: allows you to search within specific sites rather than the entire Internet. It comes in handy if you know where to look (website) for your search and saves you from having to wade through irrelevant results. For example, "site:beebom.com android 11" will return results for the search term "android 11," but only from the mentioned website (beebom.com), not from other sites.

3. Find Specific Files

filetype: allows you to search the web for specific files rather than content or websites. It's useful when looking for presentations, PDFs, drawings, or other files with a known extension. For example, "filetype:pptx greenhouse effect" will look for presentations about the Greenhouse Effect.

4. Search by Keywords

The better the keywords you provide to the search engine, the better the results you will receive. Think about what you're looking for and enter the keywords accordingly. For example, "Google tips and tricks" is preferable to "what are the tips and tricks for Google?" because it allows Google to search for the appropriate words without including unnecessary words.

5. Search by Location

You can search for a specific location by including a city name or postal code at the end of your search query. This overrides Google's default behaviour of returning results based on the IP address of your Internet connection. For instance, "food joints in New Delhi" or "food joints 110033 will return results for food joints in New Delhi.

6. Search Between 2 Numbers

.. (two periods) allows you to search in Google between two numbers. It's useful if you're looking for something in a range, such as product prices within your budget range, prime numbers within a range, and so on. For example, "buy Sony camera 10000..50000 INR" will display pages that sell Sony cameras in the price range of 10000 to 50000 INR.

7. Find Linked Pages

There are times when you want to know who has linked to your blog or article on the internet. And the only foolproof way to find all the citations is to use this simple Google search trick. Simply type link: and then paste the URL into the Google search bar. For example, if I type in http://www.gdiz.eu.org/2022/08/how-to-create-contact-form-using-telegram-api-contact-form.html, Google will return all of the websites that have cited this specific article. Isn't that cool?

8.Search for Terms in Page’s Title

intitle: and allintitle: allow you to search for terms in the page titles. Google can search the titles of pages as well as the content. Titles typically describe the purpose of the content, and searching in titles allows you to find results whose contents are more similar to what you're looking for. For example, "intitle:india" returns only results with the word "India" in the title, whereas "allintitle:india drought crisis" returns only results with the words "India," "drought," and "crisis" in the title.

9.Browse Offline Websites

Cache: can be used to browse websites that have been unavailable for some time due to server issues. Google caches copies of web pages visited by its crawler, which is why you can access them even if their server is down, because the cached pages are loaded from Google. For example, "cache:beebom.com" allows you to browse Beebom.com even when it is unavailable.

10. Search the Web by Specific Movie Link

Index of There are times when you want to find out movies download links on the web. And the surefire way to find out all the citations is by using this simple Google search trick. You just need to type Index of and then add the Movie Name in the Google search bar. For example, if I enter Index of Squid Game then Google will show all movie link and only click on IP link webpages article.

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Ordinary People

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