How to Replace Blogger Default Comments to Disqus or Facebook comments

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Guide to Changing Blogger Comments

Disqus Comments

First of all you have to add your disqus_shortname or Disqus ID first. So that there are no errors, we added disqus_shortname = "jagodesain" to the Disqus script, you can find code like this on your blog:

<!--[ Comment disqus ]-->
<b:includable id='post-commentDisqus'>
<div class='cmDisqus' id='disqus_thread'>
<!--[ Delete tag below to change button style ]-->

<script>/*<![CDATA[*/ var disqus_shortname = "jagodesain"; !function(){ ... }(); function load_Comments(){var e=document.getElementById("disqusshow");"none";var t="jagodesain";!function(){ ... }; /*]]>*/</script>

Replace the part marked in code above with your Disqus ID.

Next to enable Disqus comments, find and replace the code below:

<!--[ Blogger Comments ]-->
<b:include cond='data:post.allowComments and data:view.isPost and !data:view.isPreview' data='post' name='threadedComments-modifV3'/>

With this code:

<!--[ Disqus Comments ]-->
<b:include cond='data:post.allowComments and data:view.isPost and !data:view.isPreview' data='post' name='post-commentDisqus'/>

Diqsus Comments onScroll (Alternative)

If in the first version Disqus comments will be active when user presses the comment button, then in this alternative Disqus comments will appear automatically when the page is scrolled to bottom of the article.

You should also replace disqus_shortname or Disqus ID in the default script with your own ID:

<!--[ Comment disqus on-scroll ]-->
<b:includable id='post-commentDisqusScroll'>

<!--[ Disqus script by, change 'jagodesain' with your disqus_shortname ]-->
<script>/*<![CDATA[*/ function load_disqus( disqus_shortname ) { ... {load_disqus('jagodesain'); console.log('Disqus loaded.'); }}, false); ... }; /*]]>*/</script>

To activate it's not much different from the first method, the difference only lies in the name attribute that uses name='post-commentDisqusScroll', the complete code is as below:

<!--[ Disqus Comments on-Scroll ]-->
<b:include cond='data:post.allowComments and data:view.isPost and !data:view.isPreview' data='post' name='post-commentDisqusScroll'/>

Facebook Comments

Facebook comments are easier to activate than Disqus, you just need to change the part marked in the code below to name='post-commentFB'

<!--[ Blogger Comments ]-->
<b:include cond='data:post.allowComments and data:view.isPost and !data:view.isPreview' data='post' name='threadedComments-modifV3'/>

Example of correct application:

<!--[ Blogger Comments ]-->
<b:include cond='data:post.allowComments and data:view.isPost and !data:view.isPreview' data='post' name='threadedComments-modifV3'/>
<!--[ Facebook Comments ]-->
<b:include cond='data:post.allowComments and data:view.isPost and !data:view.isPreview' data='post' name='post-commentFB'/>

About the Author

Ordinary People

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