AppOnFly 20-Minute RDP Trial: No Login Required

Get a free 20-minute RDP trial from AppOnFly with no login required. Test out their Windows VPS and cloud gaming services without any commitment.
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Remote desktop protocol (RDP) is a technology that allows you to access a computer from another location. It's often used by businesses to allow employees to work from home or by students to access their school's computers from anywhere.

If you're interested in trying out RDP, AppOnFly offers a free 20-minute trial. With this trial, you can access a Windows VPS and cloud gaming services without any commitment.

In this article, we'll show you how to get started with the AppOnFly 20-minute RDP trial. We'll also answer some frequently asked questions about the trial.

How to Get Started with the AppOnFly 20-Minute RDP Trial

To get started with the AppOnFly 20-minute RDP trial, follow these steps:

- Go to the and click on the "Start Trial" button. The website will looking for available machine, then you ready to go! that's it!

Once you've connected, you'll be able to access a Windows VPS for 20 minutes. You can use the VPS to run any Windows applications or games.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to login to use the AppOnFly 20-Minute RDP Trial?

A: No, you do not need to login to use the AppOnFly 20-Minute RDP Trial. Simply click on the "Connect" button and you'll be able to access the VPS immediately.

Q: What are the system requirements for the AppOnFly 20-Minute RDP Trial?

A: You will need a web browser with JavaScript enabled to use the AppOnFly 20-Minute RDP Trial. You will also need a stable internet connection.

Q: How much data will I use during the AppOnFly 20-Minute RDP Trial?

A: The amount of data you use during the AppOnFly 20-Minute RDP Trial will depend on the applications and games you run. However, you should expect to use around 100MB of data per hour.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of times I can use the AppOnFly 20-Minute RDP Trial?

A: Yes, there is a limit of one 20-minute trial per IP address per day.


The AppOnFly 20-Minute RDP Trial is a great way to test out their Windows VPS and cloud gaming services without any commitment. If you're interested in trying out RDP, be sure to check out the AppOnFly trial.

Additional Information

In addition to the information provided in this article, here are some additional details about the AppOnFly 20-Minute RDP Trial:

  • The trial VPS is located in the United States.
  • The trial VPS has 1GB of RAM and 20GB of storage.
  • The trial VPS has a 100Mbps connection.

I hope this article was helpful. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.

About the Author

Ordinary People

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